Turbo Prop

More powerful than piston-driven aircraft, higher passenger & payload capacity. Turboprops fly at altitudes up to 35,000 feet. Lower operating & fuel costs than jets, but they fly slower. Turboprops are attractive for businesses that fly 600-1,000 miles between general aviation airports that shorter runways than required for jets.

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Turbo Prop


Turboprop aircraft have one or more gas-turbine engines that burn Jet-A fuel, and are frequently larger than piston-powered aircraft. These more powerful aircraft have a higher passenger and payload capacity. Turboprops can fly higher than pistons, reaching altitudes up to 35,000 feet. Turboprop aircraft have lower operating costs than jets because they burn less fuel, but they are also slower than jets. Turboprops are an attractive option for businesses that need to fly missions requiring 600-1,000 miles of travel between general aviation airports that often have runways too short to accommodate jets.

These aircraft vary in size, but the interior of a typical turboprop is the size of a large SUV, seats 4-8 comfortably but can reach up to 19 if properly configured, and is often configured similar to a small office, where co-workers can meet and make productive use of time enroute to a destination.

Passengers : 4-19

Amenities : Can use very small airports and their maintenance is less expensive.
It gives a better performance during takeoff and can climb quickly—ideal for mountainous areas. The response time is quicker than a jet.

Range : 400-1600 nautical miles

Speed : 180-300 mph

Example Aircraft: Honda Jet HA 420, Cessna Citation Mustang, Embraer Phenom 100, King Air 350

Manufacturers of turboprop aircraft include the following companies:

Source: NBAA - Turboprop Aircraft

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